FRiday Morning Prayer:)… August 29, 2019

August 29, 2019 - 6 minutes read

Lord of Eternity
Blessed is the man
Who walks in Your favor
Who loves all Your words
And hides them like treasure
In the darkest place
Of his desperate heart,
They are a light
A strong, sure light.

Sometimes I call out Your name
But I cannot find You.
I look for Your face,
But You are not there.
By my sorrows, Lord,
Lift me to You,
Lift me to Your side.

Lord of Eternity,
Father of mercy,
Look on my fainting soul.
Keeper of all the stars,
Friend of the poorest heart
Touch me and make me whole.[1]

“Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.”[2]


The Christ-life supernatural process is to embrace with all we are, (heart, mind, body, and soul), the abundant ‘grace pouring forth like a fountain flowing and regenerate hearts open wide to sing God’s praise!’ “…our sound becomes sweet with your anthems ringing.  Praise to the name of the Lord, Sing Allelu[!] Sing Allelu[!]  We rejoice in Your love, Most High… In Your light, You shine forever[!] Shine in us, O Lord, forever. We are the light of the world, Allelu![3] 

The Spirit of Jesus indwelling ensures a strong, sure light indeed! “You are the light of the world.”  We encourage one another to “…let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”[4]  We are the salt of the earth and preserve one another in love and encourage strength in Christ.  I pray you are empowered daily to be that supernatural light and have a Spirit-led salty effect on everyone God brings into your sphere of influence. 

What do I care about most in this Christ-life?  What are your recurring desires and motivations as you journey with Jesus?  What brings the most joy, satisfaction, and excitement?  For me, and likely you too, it is recognizing God’s mercy granting new birth, repentance, and new desires demonstrated by a truly regenerate heart.  A transformed and transforming life in Christ matters most, elicits much joy, and is most satisfying.  Jesus said, “I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”[5]  You as light, me as light, we reflect the one Light, our Redeemer, the Lamb of God who illuminates and changes darkness to see the light of mercy and grace.    

Be encouraged as you journey with Jesus.  We need one another, to encourage, and help practically, especially through our prayers.  Many times, I need to be reminded of the temporary nature of my suffering through trials even if persistent throughout this life, nothing happens outside of God’s sovereignty; a faithful brother preached weeks ago, he said, “God will deliver us as he determines to the degree determined for our good and his glory.”  Moreover, “God orchestrates our reliance on him—completely.  We patiently endure by God’s grace; God does not leave the brokenness on the floor discarded.”[6]  Beloved, as we pilgrimage through this world with all its ups and downs, our life in Christ has purpose; we look through the supernatural lense that is forever in the full light of the coming eternal glory. 

If You are my defender,
Who is against me?
No one can trouble or harm me
If You are my strength,
All I ask, all I desire
Is to live in Your house all my days. 

Lord of Eternity,
Father of mercy,
Look on my fainting soul

Keeper of all the stars,
Friend of the poorest heart
Touch me and make me whole..


Sisters are meeting to pray.  First Baptist, 1912 Arnold Way, Alpine, 0900

You are invited to join with sisters in prayer.  You need and I do too a time of fellowship through prayer and genuine love among the saints.  Go enjoy.  Thank you!  Joy overflowing to our sisters in Christ, we appreciate your faithfulness in prayer.

Brothers are meeting too!  Alpine Youth Center, 2153 Arnold Way, Alpine, 0730

Join us if your schedule allows.  Brothers journeying together through this life in light of eternal glory and present-day joy in Jesus, we persevere.  As the Spirit of Jesus leads, we encourage and love one another through intentional prayer.  It is always good to see you, smile, and enjoy our God together.


[2] 1 Peter 1:8-9


[4] Matthew 5:14-16

[5] Luke 15:10

[6] Emmanuel Christian Church, 10 am; Harbison Canyon @ Old Ironside Park.