Compassionate Ministries continues to help the poor and disabled through our role as Representative Payee.
A Representative Payee is assigned by the social security administration to disabled recipients who need assistance managing their SSI/SSA funds. Once they are assigned they become beneficiaries of Compassionate Ministries Professional Payee Services. Our constant goal is to keep the process simple, clear, and full of grace. We treat all beneficiaries fairly, with respect and genuine concern for their well-being.
We are usually taking on new beneficiaries. However, the process does take a little time. Therefore, if you are a case worker, social worker, or individual who knows you need a Representative Payee, feel free to contact us via the website, or call and keep calling until you get a response. Our office # is 619 659 8187.
Should you have questions about the process of switching Representative Payees, initiating, or clarifying our role, cost regulated by the social security administration, or the extent of our services, get in contact for an overview.
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. No person in our organization or beyond is making money from Compassionate Ministries Professional Payee Services. Therefore, if you appreciate what we do for the poor and disabled, as well as our multiple attempts to encourage others to persevere in the Christian faith, prayerfully consider financially supporting our efforts.
Dr. Randall Torres, President.