Friday Morning Prayer:)….

July 1, 2022 - 5 minutes read

When I fear my faith will fail
Christ will hold me fast
When the tempter would prevail
He will hold me fast
I could never keep my hold
Through life’s fearful path
For my love is often cold
He must hold me fast

Hewillhold me fast
will hold mefast
For my Savior loves me so
He will hold me fast

Those He saves are His delight
Christ will hold me fast
Precious in His holy sight
He will hold me fast
He’ll not let my soul be lost
His promises shall last
Bought by Him at such a cost
He will hold me fast[1]

Teach me your way, O Lord; lead me in a straight path…”[2]


I spoke with a brother today who recognized God’s hand of mercy on his life—over a decade of living chasing the next bag of dope, homelessness, brokenness, consumed and entangled in sin.  But God intervened.  Like the Psalmist, “O Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.  O Lord, you brought me up from the grave; you spared me from going down into the pit.”[3]  Once dead in sin, now alive in Christ!  Alive in Christ to praise his holy name, rejoice in supernatural love, led by the Spirit, struggle through our sufferings, and cry out for mercy when in distress.  “But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in your hands….”[4] 

The recurring prayer, “Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”[5]  God instructs and gives us more grace, so I ask for a greater desire to be early and often at His throne of grace, praying, pleading for others to know his mercy, and for his mercy to overflow through me.

In Christ, seated with him in the heavenly realms, empowered by his Spirit, our times living in relationships is God’s time to make us, form our character, refine our life, glorify himself through our humility, death to sinful ways, boldness and confidence in God with zeal for his glory!

Increase my faith, belief that changes, that undeniable evidence of God’s glory.  Lord, deepen my trust.  I do believe, yet help me, Lord Jesus, to overcome my life of unbelief.   In his hand, at this time, to be comforted, instructed, guided, especially as we sit at his feet and treasure up his words and show forth his praise!   Beloved, I pray you are growing in grace and know Jesus as life, peace, and Joy!

For my life He bled and died
Christ will hold me fast
Justice has been satisfied
He will hold me fast
Raised with Him to endless life
He will hold me fast
‘Til our faith is turned to sight
When He comes at last


Friday Morning Prayer:)…  First Baptist Church, 1929 Arnold Way, Alpine.

Sisters meeting at 0900.

Brothers meeting at 0730

Join us if your schedule allows.   It is always a joy when brothers get together to sit at the feet of Jesus, yes, humble before the throne of grace.

Men’s breakfast!  Saturday, July 2, 2022.   Mountain View Bible Church.

@ 0800.

Diverse brothers gather for good food, both physical and spiritual.  A time of encouragement and love for the brothers!   Hope you can make it.


[2] Psalm 27:11

[3] Psalm 30:2-3

[4] Ibid 31:14-15a

[5] Psalm 25:4-5