The Lord Orchestrated According to His Sovereignty
December 17, 2010 - 6 minutes readI must proclaim: to God be the glory! On December 11, 2010 Saturday morning, actually beginning Friday morning we started gathering items together for Saturday Morning Outreach to the Poor. My brother Dennis was available to go to the foodbank, load numerous drinks and network with others for items that helped make the preparation process and the actual outreach run very smooth. Dennis was not busy at work and could take calls as we took care of business. Of course we had planned to meet Friday and take care of getting items, go to the foodbank, etc., We had prayed daily for this Outreach Weekend and believe what we do every quarter is a good thing and consistent with the love, mercy, and compassion of our God. However, I want to emphasize the sovereignty of God and the Grace of God as we put forth the effort to make things happen.
The generosity of Mt. View Bible Church and the use of their trailor reflects the grace of God. Dennis providing his time and using his truck so we can load items and pull the packed trailor all reflect the grace of God through His people. Having access to a generator, I do not take for granted. Again, the grace of God through Pete and Jackie.
Moreover, A generous donor (Michael) has given multiple new backpacks, sleeping bags, tarps, and his time to help serve the poor. God’s grace manifest through this man at a few of our outreaches. And, he does not profess Christ, yet God has moved his heart toward helping the poor through the body of believers. Praise God! And, may our sovereign God get a hold of Michael and love him into the Kingdom. May our prayers and example help facilitate salvation.
We met at Mt. View Bible Church at 4pm on Friday, and gracious folks showed to volunteer their time to sort clothing. We had pizza and discussed the strategy to help meet the needs of those coming to the Saturday Morning Outreach. Again, most excellent! God orchestrated the process as ideas were shared and plans made to accomplish an efficent outreach.
Saturday morning: A race was booked and the roads were closed off. I prayed and acknowledged our sovereign God. The outreach was in His control and I said more than once as we approached the police, “this is a supernatural process.” God worked it out and we were let into the park.
The setting up went very well. God brought 10-15 volunteers from Mt. View Bible Church and a few from other places. The weather was perfect. The sound system was set up by Dennis and Bob without a glitch. David showed. Praise our God! I did not expect him to stay long. However, again, God worked it out to where David was staying the whole time and was willing to bring the gospel message to those most in need of love and compassion.
We served at least 150 people. Everyone who came got a new backpack, or blanket, or tarp. We had a trailor full of clothing and most of it was given away. We gave away drinks and canned goods, hygiene items, etc., Sparrow made at least 200 lunches. Praise God! People in line got lunches as they waited.
The whole process reflected the orderliness and holiness of God. People were receptive to the gospel message. David spoke from his heart. I should say God spoke through David and people were responding and thankful for the generosity of our God.
God used brothers and sisters from Mt. View Bible Church to pray with folks and encourage them. The mercy of God manifest through His people.
Jimmy and Michael M. captured the process of film. Check out our updated website and pictures posted. We truly were blessed to experience the presence of God Saturday morning. We know as believers God is always with us through the person of the Holy Spirit living inside of us. However, it is grace that allows the feelings along with understanding that we were on holy ground serving the poor in Balboa park.
May our God continue to direct our efforts and work in and through us to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. Please prepare the way for our next outreach by praying everyday that we would not pursue these good works in our own strength. May our faith lead the way as we are active in reaching out to the poor and homeless.
Thank you to all who prayed for our outreach and to those who participated in serving. We look forward to March 2011.
Rejoice, again I say rejoice,
In Christ,