Book of Hebrews: exploration and discussion—Chp. 5

v. 1 The writer begins by saying, “Every high priest is ___________ from among men and is appointed to represent them in matters related to_______, to offer gifts and sacrifices for______. (ref. Lev 16)

v. 2 The high priest is able to deal_________ with those who are________ and going _________, since he was subject to ______________.

v. 3 Why did he have to offer sacrifices for his own sin and the sins of the people? He was subject to weakness. He was a sinner who struggled like everyone else born depraved.

v. 4 The high priest is called by God. And, we saw in vs. 1 that the high priest is selected from among men, and a mediator between God and man. He essentially seeks mercy, not only for himself, but for the people. For example, Aaron was called by God.

v. 5-6 Christ did not take the glory on himself (cf. Jn 8:54). The writer, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is original in his teaching that Jesus is our high priest. He references Psalm 2:7 (cf 1:5). The writer wants us to understand that Jesus is [God] the Son who has authority to intercede for us in the heavenly realm.

Psalm 110… v.1 was referenced at 1:13; here we see 110:4 applied for the first time to our Lord Jesus in this way.

A better translation “of the same kind as Melchizedek” (Morris, 1981, quoting J.C. Ward) cf. a description is given in 7:1-3.

Christ is the final/ultimate High Priest. Other priests had their day and passed away. However, Christ is our High Priest who lives forever and intercedes on our behalf before our Father God!

v. 7 Jesus was fully God and fully man. He offered up prayers and petitions with___________ and __________ to the one who could save him from death.

Jesus was heard because of His_______________ ______________

How intense is my prayer life? Am I striving to be more reverent and submissive before God?

Matt 26:36-46
• Christ as a man discovered what it is to cry out to God in fear and distress
• He learned to say “thy will be done” when the will of God was the way of the cross.
• In answer to his prayer he was enabled to bear his trial just as he will enable genuine believers to bear theirs (cf. 2:17-18; 4:15-16).

Christ did not sin and needed no sacrifice for his own sins. We suggested last week that Christ was tempted more severely than any other person, because only the one who resisted to the end knows the full weight of any temptation.

v. 8 How did Christ learn obedience? “the temptations he faced were real and the battle for victory was difficult, but where Adam failed and fell, Jesus resisted and prevailed” (NIV Study Bible notes).

v. 9 “made perfect” does not mean imperfect to perfect. Here it means that Christ suffering brought about perfection—Jesus became “the source of eternal salvation for all who___________ him…

v. 10 Jesus was ______________ by God to be high priest of the same kind as Melchizedek.

v. 11 What does the writer have much to say about? It is hard to explain because?

v. 12 The readers should have matured to what role? What are the elementary truths? Elementary truths are associated with________ .

v. 13 If we continue to survive on milk we will not become acquainted with teaching about______________.

v. 14 Solid food is associated with or for the_____________. The mature do what in order to be able to distinguish from good and evil?

How is my training coming along in regards to my position in Christ?

Are we as “light of the world” “salt of the earth” desiring solid food to help us mature and become even brighter and more salty?

Do others see your brightness? Do they taste your salt?

Is it easier to drink milk and stay complacent?

What does it take to get past surviving on milk?

As we examine ourselves, where are we today?

Where do I want to be “in Christ, who is my life” a vibrant, exciting working of the Spirit everyday?

Or, I profess Christ, but then there is my life.

I think the latter creates much more internal conflict for those who are truly saved… The person “in Christ” but not disciplined and growing toward maturity manifests internal conflicts in various behaviors and feelings:

Anger, bitterness, defensiveness, insecurity, gossip, negativity, etc., However, for the maturing Christian the following behaviors:

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc., ever increasing and evident to others.

The writer of Hebrews takes issue with those surviving on milk!